Studies and Resources
Water Quality Index Data Summary, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, February 2019
Oregon Forest Facts, Oregon Forest Resources Institute, 2019-2020
Oregon’s Forest Protection Laws: An Illustrated Manual, Third Edition, Oregon Forest Resources Institute, 2018
Forest Practices Compliance Audit: 2017 Annual Report, Oregon Department of Forestry
A Guide to Priority Plant and Animal Species in Oregon Forests, Oregon Forest Resources Institute, 2017
Wildlife in Managed Forests Series, Oregon Forest Resources Institute:
- Fisher and Humboldt Marten, 2018
- The American Beaver, 2016
- Special Reference Series, 2016
- Fish Habitat and Passage, 2014
- Early Seral-Associated Songbirds, 2015
- Deer and Elk, 2013
- Oregon Forests as Habitat, 2011
- Stream-Associated Amphibians, 2009
Carbon stocks and accumulation rates in Pacific Northwest forests: role of stand age, plant community, and productivity, Gray, et al, 2016
A synthesis of current knowledge on forests and carbon storage in the United States, McKinley et al, 2011.
Reconnaissance of Land-Use Sources of Pesticides in Drinking Water, McKenzie River, Oregon, United States Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior, Eugene Water and Electric Board, 2012
Aerial Pesticide Application Monitoring Final Report, Oregon Department of Forestry, 2000
Hastening the Return of Complex Forests Following Fire: The Consequences of Delay, Sessions et al, 2004
Reburn in the Rain Shadow, United States Department of Agriculture, Unite States Forest Service, 2018
The impact of land ownership, firefighting, and reserve status on fire probability in California, Starrs et al, 2018
How Wildfires Are Polluting Rivers and Threatening Water Supplies, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, 2018
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Emergency Department Visits Associated With Wildfire Smoke Exposure in California in 2015, Wettstein et al, 2018
Estimating the Health‐Related Costs of 10 Climate‐Sensitive U.S. Events During 2012, Limaye et al, 2019
Birth weight following pregnancy during the 2003 Southern California wildfires, Holstius et al, 2012
The Full Community Costs of Wildfire, Headwaters Economics, 2018
The Impacts of the 2017 Wildfires on Oregon’s Travel and Tourism Industry, Travel Oregon, 2018
Impacts of Oregon’s 2017 Wildfire Season, Oregon Forest Resources Institute, 2018
Wildfire Smoke: A Guide for Public Health Officials, United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2001